Nummer eins on my top 5 list of art holidays, has to be Linz, Austria.
I was commissioned to create a "bookcase" on the bedroom wall of a dear friend Sibylle whom i have known since my exchange student days in Bilbao. We were already mixing up the languages and sharing ideas in the halls of the University of the Basque Country back in 2006, and so i'm more than happy to have spent these days with her, learning new Deutsch words and revisiting old memories during the cutting, sticking, and painting of her golden new library......
I began by collaging phrases from old Spanish revistas, British gossip mags and general Germanic publications onto photos of books whilst humming along to FM Vier . Bi-lingual radio seemed very fitting at the time . Then after some button pressing fun on a photocopier and a bit of cutting out, i organised and pasted up the books in their shelf formation. The shiny and happy Faye Suzannah style pattern in the background was inspired by a brief trip to see the work of Klimt (and Hundertwasser) in Vienna.The latter is such an old hippy i wish he was my uncle.
Cafe con leche and stollen to celebrate. good friends and fun art times.. Wie sind internazionale kinder.
The rest of the list, incase you care is
2- Salvador brazil
3-Armona portugal
4- Zarate Argentina
5-South London Brixton + Brockley